Sorting Scores: A Simple Guide to Bifurcation by Categories

David John

David John is the founder and author of, a website dedicated to the Rice Purity test. This well-known self-evaluation tool is divided into sections covering personal life, connections violating rules, undesirable behaviors and addictions, and physical relations. David's website provides a platform for individuals to explore and understand their purity levels across these areas, offering valuable insights and resources for personal growth and self-awareness. Through his writing and expertise, David aims to guide readers on a journey of introspection and improvement, helping them navigate various aspects of their lives with clarity and purpose.

A well-liked self-assessment method for determining one’s degree of innocence and experiences is the Rice Purity Test. This test’s score sorting allows for the understanding of several purity categories. In this exam, participants assess their degree of engagement or experience in a variety of activities that are covered by a set of questions. People can have a better understanding of their exposure and innocent status by categorizing their results.

Rice Purity Test 2024

Score Range: 0-20 (High Innocence)

A score ranging from 0-20 on the Rice Purity Test generally implies a high level of innocence or limited exposure to specific activities. A lower score means that the person has experienced or engaged in various activities considered less “pure” or more adventurous. Individuals in this range may have had fewer experiences in multiple aspects of life, such as romantic relationships, sexual encounters, or adventurous activities. This score range often indicates a more reserved or cautious approach to life.

Score Range: 21-40 (Moderate Innocence)

A score range of 21-40 in a “Purity Test” suggests a moderate level of innocence. This means that the person who received this score has likely experienced some activities or situations considered less innocent or more adventurous. However, there’s still a degree of restraint or moderation in their experiences. It indicates a middle ground between high innocence and a more diverse range of backgrounds. They have stepped outside their comfort zone to some extent, but they retain a significant amount of virtue.

Score Range: 41-60 (Moderate to High Experience)

A score range of 41-60 in a test  indicates a moderate to high experience level. This suggests that the person who received this score has likely engaged in various activities or experiences that may be considered less “pure” or more adventurous. While there may still be some boundaries and areas of restraint, the score in this range generally signifies a greater exposure to different aspects of life compared to lower score ranges. They possess a balance between innocence and experience, reflecting a broader range of life experiences.

Score Range: 61-80 (High Experience)

A score range of 61-80  indicates a high level of experience. This suggests that the person who received this score has likely been involved in various activities that may be considered less “pure” or more adventurous. There’s significant exposure to different aspects of life, and the individual may have crossed various boundaries and engaged in diverse experiences. They have embraced a more adventurous and exploratory approach to life.

Score Range: 81-100 (The “Naughty” Range)

A score of 81-100  is often humorously called the “Naughty” range. This implies that the person who received this score participated in a wide array of activities considered less “pure” or more adventurous. The score in this range suggests high exposure to various experiences, and the individual may have crossed many boundaries. They have pushed boundaries, indulged in unconventional experiences, and exhibited a daring attitude towards life. This range is often considered the “naughty” range due to the breadth and depth of experiences.

David John

David John is the founder and author of, a website dedicated to the Rice Purity test. This well-known self-evaluation tool is divided into sections covering personal life, connections violating rules, undesirable behaviors and addictions, and physical relations. David's website provides a platform for individuals to explore and understand their purity levels across these areas, offering valuable insights and resources for personal growth and self-awareness. Through his writing and expertise, David aims to guide readers on a journey of introspection and improvement, helping them navigate various aspects of their lives with clarity and purpose.

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