The Rice Purity Test: A Reflection of Society’s Changing Moral

David John

David John is the founder and author of, a website dedicated to the Rice Purity test. This well-known self-evaluation tool is divided into sections covering personal life, connections violating rules, undesirable behaviors and addictions, and physical relations. David's website provides a platform for individuals to explore and understand their purity levels across these areas, offering valuable insights and resources for personal growth and self-awareness. Through his writing and expertise, David aims to guide readers on a journey of introspection and improvement, helping them navigate various aspects of their lives with clarity and purpose.

The Rice Purity Test was started at Rice University in the 1930s. This test is about answering 100 questions about ourselves. These are simple “yes” or “no” type questions that determine your purity score after answering all the questions. 

This test also helps us know how someone’s ideas of right and wrong have changed. 

Rice Purity Test 2024

The Origin of the Rice Purity Test

This purity test originated at Rice University in Texas. The test is about taking a 100-question quiz on relationships, love, behavior, and lifestyle.  At first, the test was taken by university students, especially newcomers but now students all over the world take it.  

By analyzing how the questions changed over time, we can understand what people now think is ok and not okay to do. 

The Test and Society’s Views

This test is like a mirror that reflects the thinking of the society. The questions of the test changes with the change in people’s thoughts. Some questions are added and some are removed showing us how the attitude of people changed towards things like dating, drinking,  smoking, etc. 

When someone talks about his results, it shows us that talking about personal things is becoming more and more normal with time. 

The Role of the Internet

With the help of the internet, This test has become so popular. People all over the world share their results online with others. Talking about personal things has now become common. Some people use it for research purposes, they collect the scores of individuals online and research the thinking of human minds. 

This test has become an interesting game online. Many of its questions are based on real-life activities and might give people a source to entertain. 

The Good and Bad Sides of the Rice Purity Test

Not everyone likes this purity test. Some think this test encourages people to do many risky things or feel bad if their results are different from others. The test tries to balance being a fun game for friends to share scores without hurting someone’s feelings. The goal is to take the test away from the negative side and make it fun for everyone. 

Seeing How Ideas of Right and Wrong Change

This test gives us a peek into how young people think about their personal lives, showing us how their views on what is right and wrong are changing. As everyone grows up in different places and different conditions, knowing these differences can help us to talk about important things.  

By understanding what is good or bad, we can talk about how can we make this world a better place to live for everyone. 


The rice purity test is not just answering the questions, it is about how the views of society about good or bad change. Understanding these changes is important for all of us to see where we are standing. As society is changing, quizzes like the rice purity test can be an interesting way to keep track of our ideas and moral changes over time. 

David John

David John is the founder and author of, a website dedicated to the Rice Purity test. This well-known self-evaluation tool is divided into sections covering personal life, connections violating rules, undesirable behaviors and addictions, and physical relations. David's website provides a platform for individuals to explore and understand their purity levels across these areas, offering valuable insights and resources for personal growth and self-awareness. Through his writing and expertise, David aims to guide readers on a journey of introspection and improvement, helping them navigate various aspects of their lives with clarity and purpose.

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